Luang Phor Liew

Luang Phor Liew

by Jun Wei

Luang Phor Liew was born on 7 December BE 2448 at Ratchaburi Province. In fact, both of his parent’s occupations were farmers; however they were also struggling financially. Due to this reason, Luang Phor Liew has had to help out with his family since young. 

There was one such incident that caused him to make the decision to learn magic in order to protect his family and their property as there were cases of stolen buffalos and cows happening in their farm. 

Luang Phor Liew went to study magic with Karen Ajarn. The Karen Ajarn was Ajarn Mong. Luang Phor Liew needed to stay at the frontier between Thailand and Myanmar with 2 relatives. But one of the relatives passed away soon after having malaria fever while the other relative was afraid and came back home. Leaving Luang Phor Liew the only one to go and study magic.   

Luang Phor Liew studied magic with Ajarn Mong for 3 years before coming back home. His only intention to study magic was for the protection of his family. Soon after that, he came home to help out with his family at the farm. Until one day, there was a rumour that the thief would come to steal the buffalo and cows from his family’s farm. During the night, the thief went to his family’s farm to attempt to steal the buffalo and cows yet they could not and alarmed the family and the neighbor living around them. The next morning, Luang Phor Liew went to the farm and found out that there was only bloodstain around the farm as the previous day he had made a magical ox to protect his farm. Luang Phor Liew even married and had his own family but soon he found out that it was not the true life that he wanted.

So at the age of 27, he was ordained as a monk at Wat Bot, Ratchaburi province. After ordination, Luang Phor Liew went to study magic and meditation from guru monks such as Luang Phor Daeng Wat Khao Bandai It, Phor Than Klai Wat Suan Khan, Luang Phor Yon Wat Baan Kong Yai and many others. 

It was through learning from Luang Phor Yon that Luang Phor Liew himself had the knowledge of Payatao. In BE 2517, Luang Phor Liew consecrated his first Payatao amulet. Payatao is known to be able help out wearers on protection and good luck. Soon, Luang Phor Liew was known for his Payatao. Besides, he also recites many famous amulets. Luang Phor has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way.Luang Phor Liew passed away on 4 September BE 2543.

Wat Sai Thong is one of the temples that Luang Phor Liew spent time during his monkhood.  Luang Phor Liew builded Wat Sai Thong in BE 2520 at KanchanaBuri province that took 5 years to build. In BE 2525, Luang Phor Liew went to Nakhon Pathom province to build Wat Rai Deng Thong. Luang Phor Liew was the abbot of Wat RaiTangThong from 15 December BE 2535 until 5 December BE 2540. Then Luang Phor Liew went to his homeland at Ratchaburi province as he wanted to pass away in his hometown. 

Luang Phor Liew 生于:佛历 BE 2448,圆寂于:佛历 BE 2543年,僧龄74年. Luang Phor Liew 被称为:泰国加持神龟的高僧. 

Luang Phor Liew 生于曼谷附近的拉差武里府. 家中有九个兄弟姊妹,其排行第三,家以务农养牧为生. 他小时候已与一般小孩不同,天性聪明且非常孝顺,常下田帮助父母工作,且喜欢学习医术.    

在佛历 BE 2475,大师当年27岁,经过了年幼至青年种种经历,开始感到人生的无常及现实,一切都因为金钱而发生争执,他看破红尘后,在越波寺出家为僧,龙婆柳的第一位大师是:龙波易(越波).       

之后,又向龙波托(越波)、龙波翁(越班旷史), Phor Than Klai (金口圣僧)、龙波卡(越术近)及多位僧人学习,大师天资聪颖勤力,加上之前已有习法经验,很快便将它们学完. 同时,又到北部那旷神温府,拜候龙波嗡为师,学习石碑护身符法咒.  

由佛历 BE 2481开始,大师总共兴建及主持过5座寺庙,分别为: 越班他稍(佛历 BE 2481-佛历BE 2484)   越沙南赢(佛历 BE 2484 -佛历 BE 2520)   越晒通帕塔那(佛历 BE 2520-佛历 BE 2523)   越丽定汤(佛历 BE 2523 -佛历 BE 2539)   越侬噢 (佛历 BE 2539 -佛历 BE 2543)

在佛历 BE 2540 时, Luang Phor Liew 回到老家“越侬噢”,他说道:僧人一生应该向佛佗学习佛法,同时教导及帮助更加多的人,不要计较他人富有或贫穷.     

Luang Phor Liew 一生不以为苦,按照古时僧人方式严谨苦行清修,居住地方简陋,从不使用任何物质用品,为素食人士,平常只吃一些素菜白饭,喜欢吃榴及槟榔. 在佛历 BE 2543年9月22日,大师在越侬噢完成了,他生命中最后一个守夏节,享年95岁,当中74年为僧人生活.  



关于 Luang Phor Liew 的佛牌:      

在佛历 BE 2516年时, Luang Phor Liew 在越沙南赢寺,为了帮善信徒驱邪,开始第一次制作佛牌,名字叫:连拍也豆伦(金属制乌龟佛牌),法相为:龟形中间山卡仔财佛,正背面有他毕生所学的古老经文。铸造完成后,独立加持、开光超过三个月. 据说,很多信众亲眼见过 师傅把佛牌,放在装满水的碗里,一直加持,直到招财龟佛牌一尊尊浮上水面,而有部份一直沉在水中,师傅指出这些不能让人供请佩带.   


Luang Phor Liew 神迹1:  

曾经有人试过,向龙婆柳 BE 2516年 的佛牌开枪,发现子弹无法射出. 但是,对着天空开枪,手枪可正常发射.


Luang Phor Liew 神迹2:  



Luang Phor Liew 神迹3:  


Luang Phor Liew 神迹4:  


Luang Phor Liew 神迹5:  

有个女善信,从事高尔夫球会员的业务,成功办理一位会员,她就从中拿取佣金,而办理一个会员要几十万. 之前生意都不好,每个月都开不了单子,只能拿着一份   底薪. 但是带了大师的佛牌后,成功谈成几笔生意.而且,现在还有客户主动向她买会员.

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