Luang Phor Derm
by Jun Wei
Luang Phor Derm was born on 6th February BE 2403 in Nakhon Sawan Province. At the age of 20, Luang Phor Derm was ordained as a monk at Wat Khao Kaew, Nakhon Sawan Province on 31th October BE 2423. After his ordination, Luang Phor Derm stayed at Wat Nong Pho and studied Dharma, Pali and magic from Luang Phor Chom (then-abbot of Wat Nong Pho) for 7 years.
Afterward, Luang Phor Derm wanted to learn more magic for guru masters such as Ajarn Phan Chuphan, Luang Phor Mee Wat Ban Bon, Ajarn Yam Wat Srathalay, Luang Phor Noom and many more.
Luang Phor Derm is counted as one of the top guru monks of Thailand. As he knew his death date. On BE 2494, he called his closest disciple and the vice abbot to inform them that he would pass away soon and order the vice abbot to help the villagers and construct a temple for him. On 22nd May BE 2494, Luang Phor Derm was seriously ill. On that exact day, there was a strange event where the elephants that Luang Phor Derm had helped went to the temple to mourn for Luang Phor Derm. At 5.30pm he passed away. Even before Luang Phor Derm passed away, he asked the villagers about the pond near the temple. The villagers told him that the water in the pond nearly ran out. If the water was all gone, the villagers would have a hard time. After that Luang Phor Derm meditated for a while and there was rain for 30minutes.
Stories of Luang Phor Derm:
- Field Marshal Plaek Phibunsongkhram ( the prime minister of Thailand during 1938-1944, 1948-1957) respected Luang Phor Derm very much and always carried the mitmor blessed by Luang Phor Derm to protect him from danger. There was one incident. On 9 November 1938, Sir Marshal was sniped. Miraculously, the sniper could not fire the gun 2 times. Afterward the sniper chased and fired Sir Marshal until the bullets ran out but Sir Marshal was not hurt at all. The sniper was arrested and on that day Sir Marshal had the mitmor by Luang Phor Derm in his shirt.
Luang Phor Derm 生于佛历 BE 2403,是泰国的传奇圣僧,也是Wat Nong Pho的前任主持. Luang Phor Derm曾在泰国的北部地区兴建了30多所寺庙, 可与大像心通,与大像交流,加持的所有圣物特别是灭魔刀含有强大的正能量,可保护自身、辟邪、破降头、制造圣水、治愈怪病等方面. Luang Phor Derm 制作加持的佛牌圣物主要有:灭魔刀、狮子、招财女神、必打等.
佛历 BE 2403, Luang Phor Derm 出生,脚底有着母亲画上一模一样的记号,父母们都非常高兴,于是取名为“Derm”,意思是“一模一样”.
Luang Phor Derm 是大儿子,家里有五兄弟,由于家贫,无法上学. Luang Phor Derm 就留在家里帮忙父母务农, 虽然没上过学校,可是人品踏实,勤劳,极静,不喜欢说三道四,母亲见Luang Phor Derm 如此 就于佛历 BE 2423把 Luang Phor Derm 送去出家.
Luang Phor Derm 受戒恩师有两位, Luang Phor Ngen Wat Pabanlean, Luang Phor Keaw Wat Intarai. Luang Phor Derm 巴利僧名为“Pu Ta She Ro”. 剃度后,Luang Phor Derm 被安排到Wat Nong Pho 学习. Luang Phor Derm 没有上过学校,基本是个文盲,可是Luang Phor Derm 非常努力勤劳学习,短短几年时间,就精通各种巴利经文,内观禅修为更是精进过人.
后来, Luang Phor Derm 就向外修行,跟随许多修为高深的高僧学习. Luang Phor Derm 精通“瓦图蒙坤”心法,空卡潘(刀枪不入)侨卡(避险)更是青出于蓝. Luang Phor Derm 在佛历BE 2470年前没有制作自身和立尊,都是制作灭魔到,Sing,符布,符管等等Kreung Lang物品. 师父的灭魔刀是泰国第一.
Luang Phor Derm 在 Wat Nong Pho 寺内饲养了很多大像,每次师父受邀参加一些别的寺庙的法会时,都会搭乘大像往返. 法会进行时大像就会自己去附近吃草,法会快完毕时大像就会回去等师父. 有些大像在发情时脾气会非常暴躁,经常会伤到人群,可是只要师父过去摸摸这些大像,大像就会变得非常温和. 在Luang Phor Derm 圆寂的时候,大像甚至会流泪和绝食.
佛历 BE 2470, 弟子们开始为师父制作金属自身牌,Luang Phor Derm 交代弟子做牌时不要把“僧阶”打在牌内,而Luang Phor Derm 是被6皇封为极高僧阶, Luang Phor Derm 极其低调.
Luang Phor Derm 于佛历 BE 2494 圆寂,据记载佛历 BE 2494年某一日,也即是师父完寂当天,其寺内的弟子告知水塘存水量十分之低,如果情况持续多几天的话水塘会乾固,当时师父躺在居室内带病在点了头一下,说道:“我的孩子们,我将要离开这尘世了,我希望您们将来都会成为非常好的僧人且永远快乐,不要担心缺水的问题了。”说完几分钟后,师父就安静地完寂了,突然间外面行雷闪电,下起滂沱大雨,大概一小时后水塘的存水已装满. Luang Phor Derm 非常关心寺庙内的水塘及附近村民,由于水塘关系到寺僧人饮食起居,师父也曾多次用高深的禅定力祈求降雨,顺利解决旱灾问题.
这也是Luang Phor Derm 送给世人最后一份礼物,同时也为其一生神奇的事迹画上完美句号.