Luang Phor Chong

Luang Phor Chong

by Jun Wei

One of the great guru monks of Thailand would be Luang Phor Chong Wat NaTangNok, BangSai district, Ayutthaya province. He was born on BE 2415. Luang Phor Chong and Luang Phor Parn both learned magic from the same teacher Luang Phor Soon Wat BangPlaMoh. In fact, Luang Phor Chong is the senior of Luang Phor Parn. Despite Luang Phor Parn reaching a high miraculous knowledge of “Apinya” and “Wipassana”, he stil respected and recognised Luang Phor Chong as a great guru monk. However, Luang Phor Chong passed away on February 17th BE 2508. 

During one of the evenings, as Luang Phor Chong was taking a rest at the pier in front of his temple, a small group of men rowed across the canal. After tying a boat rope to a pier hook, one of the men said to Luang Phor Chong in an disrespectful manner : "Luang Phor, would you guard my boat because I was told that there are many thieves around here."

Luang Phor Chong said slowly and mercifully to that man," Alright, I will guard your boat as mine.don't worry." The group of men came back to the pier at around midnight, they saw Luang Phor Chong still sitting alone at the pier. "Wow, how great it is, that you are still sitting here for so many hours, thank you for guarding my boat," said a man. "You ordered me to guard your boat, I did as you said," Luang Phor Chong replied slowly.

The following evening, the same group of men came to Luang Phor Chong's Kuti with flowers, incense and candles on their hands. They had paid obeisance to Luang Phor Chong and said " I came here to apologize for ordering you to guard my boat, I have been told that you are Luang Phor Chong, so please forgive us for doing a great sin, please grant us your apology." " Huh, ordered me and I did it for you's no sin .....from now on remind yourself do not order any monk as your servant," said Luang Phor Chong.

He also taught them a short brief of Buddha's Dhamma. All the men listened quietly and wept, then they paid obeisance with full respect to Luang Phor Chong's legs.

Luang Phor Chong was also a great donor. Any temple that is troubled with the lack of Kuti, he would instruct his disciples to dismantle them and bring them to the lacking temple. Even when thieves came into his temple to steal valuable items, Luang Phor Chong knew and asked them to get the items. Yes, he gave the items to thieves but never forgot to teach them that stealing a monk's item was a great sin.

Due to his teaching, many thieves gave up stealing. Luang Phor Parn admired Luang Phor Chong to all his disciples that he was like a gold monk statue, and that a monk of this kind would never ask anything as he would be given everything that was asked for.

Whenever Luang Phor Parn performed any ritual at Wat Bang Nom Kho, he would invite Luang Phor Chong to join. Once Luang Phor Parn urged his close disciple to get a motor boat to invite Luang Phor Chong to join the ritual but Luang Phor Chong told the monk to go back in advance as he would go by himself later. As soon as the monk had come back and reported to Luang Phor Parn that Luang Phor Chong would come later, Luang Phor Parn laughed mildly and pointed to Luang Phor Chong who was sitting right there. How did he arrive at Wat Bang Nom Kho in such a short time? As both temples are far away from each other. It would take a few hours to walk and reach Wat Bang Nom Ko as the disciple was in shock. 

It was recorded that Luang Phor Chong reached the highest knowledge of "PatiSamPhiThaYan" which covered the highest ability to perform miracles of all kinds. Whoever reaches this state will have comprehensive knowledge over all Tri Pitaka automatically and could reach anywhere in a short time.

Luang Phor Chong consecrated many amulets since World War II. His amulets are good for warding off all kinds of dangers while his Ta Pian fish is known for its wealth fetching. 

Ayutthaya, the ancient city of Thailand was established around 700 years ago, and just like other provinces of the country experienced the devastation of World War II that destroyed the lives and property of countless people. It is said Ayutthaya were more fortunate than many other provinces because legend has it that some senior holy monks used their magic power as protection against the bombs. It was well known amongst the locals of Ayutthaya that during World War II, Luang Phor Chong had tried to protect the province and the lives of the innocent by sprinkling his sacred sand from a plane onto the land below. After which many miracles were recorded particularly the unusually high proportion of unexploded bombs.

Though Luang Phor Chong has passed away for several years. Many of the locals still recall his virtues and dedication to the province during the war. 

Luang Phor Chong 是Wat NaTangNok 的 前任主持,在當時的阿育塔雅府內被公認為是法力、神通第一的高僧。Luang Phor Chong 生於 BE 2415,自幼出家為僧,到了20歲,他就受戒當比丘。法名--Buddhasasso。意思是“ 以覺醒為皈依的人 ”。

出家後他就在 Wat Na Tang Nai 學習,直到後來被邀請到 Wat NaTangNok 當住持。曾拜多位名師學習佛法,與泰國傳奇九大聖僧中神獸崇迪的創始者 Luang Phor Parn 一起拜師於Wat BangPlaMoh 的Luang Phor Soon (是當時響當當的醫師,專治奇難雜症,最拿手的就是醫療法門和驅魔解降的法門,有很高的禪定造詣) 是 Luang Phor Parn的師兄。

高僧一生加持過的聖物種類很多,其中"Pa Ta Pian"(招財魚)是全泰第一的,其他的聖物還包括十二節及十六節takrut、Luang Phor Chong自身像、星等。在泰國高僧的聖物被公認擁有強大的避險功效,而高僧的人緣法門也是超凡出眾的,其Luang Phor Parn 對 Luang Phor Chong的人緣法門力量就非常贊賞及信服,Luang Phor Chong 也被人尊稱為“人緣之神”.

Luang Phor Chong一生所制聖物神跡眾多,有一次村民到 Wat NaTangNok 祈求聖水,Luang Phor Chong 並沒有去任何地方取水,而是將手直接放在盛水的器物口上,念誦經文後聖水就從師父的手中一點點地流入到了瓶子中,這個事跡被人拍過照片,現今供奉於高僧的寺廟之內。

BE 2480年間,第二次世界大戰正是慘烈的時期,日本軍隊進入阿育塔雅府之後一如既往的施行著惡性、大肆屠殺村民。當時阿育塔雅府內有四位最有名望的高僧,為了阻止日軍的暴行,也為保護當地的村民,特意加持制作了一批背心,背心上面寫有多種符文,主要以擋險為主,開光後就立即發放給了當地村民及泰國方面的士兵。

據說這件背心在穿了以後絕不會死於刀槍利器之下,而且只要有一人穿著,日軍看見後就會產生幻覺,頓時看到穿法衣者後面跟隨著成千上萬的人。戰事之後,敵國的人都把泰國的士兵稱為“鬼士兵”,認為泰國的士兵有著不死之身,其實這都是因為泰國士兵中很多人佩戴了Luang Phor Chong加持的聖物,在避險、保平安、刀槍不入發面發揮了奇效。

Luang Phor Chong 也是一位非常慷慨的聖僧,當他知道有別的廟要建“kuti”,他便會命自己的弟子把廟宇的一些可用的木拆了,送給需要用到的廟宇,更什的是當有賊潛入龍婆的廟宇,要盜取一些較難拿到的東西,Luang Phor Chong 甚至還叫他們不要偷,他吩咐弟子們把賊想要的東西拿給他們,當然他也不忘教導那些來偷東西的賊,別偷拿其他廟宇的東西,這可是一個大罪過!很多賊也因為聽了Luang Phor Chong 的開示,而不再偷東西,Luang Phor Chong就是一位這麼慷慨,這麼豁達的大師,這一點是非常值得尊敬的.

Luang Phor Parn 也公開的承認說 Luang Phor Parn 是一位“金身羅漢”,他說Luang Phor Parn 是一位對自己沒有任何祈求的高僧,他只是會把自己擁有的完全捐獻出來,幫助一些有需要的人!

此外,作為全泰第一招財魚的制作者,Luang Phor Chong 的招財魚在致富神跡方面是廣被認同的。幾十年以前,泰國的阿育塔亞府內有很多的河流及湖泊,水上貿易成了當地很多百姓的生活來源,人們會劃著小船去賣一些水果、食物、生活用品等。凡是擁有 Luang Phor Chong招財魚的善信,都會將其招財魚掛在船頭,這些船夫的生意一定會比其他家的生意好。這些助生意方面的神跡讓Luang Phor Chong的聖物聲名遠播,後來很多做生意的人都會去請供高僧的招財魚聖物,不論是放在店鋪的櫃台還是掛於店鋪內,客人都會來的很頻繁。

BE 2508年2月17日,Luang Phor Chong 因病仙遊,享年93歲,他一生偉大無私慈悲心,幫助不少人離苦得樂,其登峰造極神通法門,救助不少人生命,同時為這位阿贊特雅府神通法第一高僧的僧侶生涯,畫上完美句號。

雖然Luang Phor Chong 逝世了許多年,但阿育他亞的人民依然記得他在大戰時對阿育他亞的付出,也因為這個原因,Luang Phor Chong 的佛牌價錢不斷的高漲,阿育他亞的佛牌收藏專家說:雖然龍婆擁有如此超凡的法力,但他在世時卻從沒和任何人提起,所以Luang Phor Chong 是一位非常低調的聖僧。

Luang Phor Chong 生前是個很照顧環境清潔的人。只要看到哪裡不乾淨,他就拿起掃把自己來少。有時,晚上也在掃地。

後來在他晚年,弟子問他,為什麼師父您在其他和尚都睡覺了還在掃地呢?Luang Phor Chong 回答說:「寺院乾淨,心也乾淨,掃地,也掃心,死後不墮落。」

以Luang Phor Chong 的聲望,弟子這麼多,但是Luang Phor Chong 的寺院還是很簡單,沒有建得富麗堂皇。這是因為凡有人來佈施建僧舍給Luang Phor Chong,Luang Phor Chong 的要求是,你可以建,但是要建那些可以拆的。每次建好不久,用了一陣,龍婆鐘就會叫人把僧舍給拆了,然後送去比較窮的寺院。

有弟子覺得難過,因為Luang Phor Chong 把他們建的僧舍給拆了。Luang Phor Chong 對他們說:「你們建給我,是因為你們尊敬我。當你們佈施後,功德你們已經得到了。供養僧團是世間的福田,你供養哪一間都一樣。如果我叫你們去建在別的地方,你們恐怕不會去建。當這建好了,我拿去供養別的寺院,功德還是屬於你的。你應該感到高興啊!」

Luang Phor Chong 的修行方法,是有點特別。Luang Phor Chong的修行方式是“ 不淨觀 ”。就是以觀察屍體來作為打坐的方法佛陀很鼓勵出家人修這個方法,因為可以破除對這個身體的執著,不管是對自己的身體還是對他人的身體。

Luang Phor Chong 喜歡觀察屍體腐爛的樣子,然後以之作為影像來打坐。當有人死了,他們拿屍體來到寺院。Luang Ohor Chong 就會叫他們把屍體放在一間特別的房間,沒有其他人可以看見。龍婆鐘就在夜深人靜的時刻,來到這個房間打坐。他手持蠟燭,來到這房裏,看著這具靜靜躺在那兒、曾經活生生的屍體。

不管這具屍體腐爛到什麼程度,也不管房裏的屍臭多重,不管這屍體怎麼難看,Luang Phor Chong 還是很認真的看著這屍體,看看這屍體跟活生生的人的差別,思維人生的真相,從中,龍婆鐘學習到人生出來,就會有死。

有人問,Luang Phor Chong 你這麼做有什麼好處?

Luang Phor Chong 回答說:「這樣可以讓我不執著這個身體,這個身體也不是真正屬於我的,它只不過是地水火風四大元素組合而成,當看清這個,就不會事事以自己為重,不會做什麼都是為自己,不會討別人便宜。這個修行,讓我的心變得清淨,其實每個人都一樣,這個身體都是同樣的地水火風,沒有什麼好去分別的,不會去分這個是我的,那個是他的.

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