Somdej Pilan

Somdej Pilan

by Jun Wei

In BE 2413, Somdej Pilan was the abbot of Wat Rakang as Somdej Toh was 84 years old back then and was too old to continue as the abbot of Wat Rakang as he felt so. Hence, he allowed Somdej Pilan to be appointed as the next abbot of Wat Rakang as Somdej Pilan was one of his disciples while the other disciple of his was Luang Phor Pu who later became the abbot of Wat Inn.

In fact, Somdej Toh taught him the secret method of making 5 holy powders such as the way of consecrating Phra Somdej amulets just like the way Sankarraj Sook taught him. On top of that, in many occasions, Somdej Pilan would consecrate his Phra Somdej amulets with the help and guidance from Somdej Toh as both of them would chant the amulets together.  

Somdej Pilan consecrates his Phra Somdej amulets with Bailan (palm leafs with written spiritual scripts and katha) and also mixes in with 5 types of holy powder passed down by Somdej Toh. Thus, usually those Phra Somdej amulets consecrated by Somdej Pilan would be greyish in colour. And since many of them are kept in Chedi for a long period of time, many of them have cracked surfaces and stain due to the humid environment and the powder.

Many devotees would seek for Somdej Pilan amulets however there are various pims available : 

  1. Sumb Pra Toh (most popular and most expensive)
  2. Mokkala- Saributh pim
  3. Prok Poh yai, prok poh lek
  4. Krob Kaew Yai, Krob Kaew lek
  5. Pael Plearng Yai, Pael plearng Lej

Somdej Phra PhutthaBhat (BE 2364- BE 2443) 是一位僧人的名字,也是瓦拉康的第三任住持. 瓦拉康第二任住持也就是著名的Somdej Toh 在 BE 2413年 他84岁时,把住持的棒子交给他的大弟子- Somdej Phra PhutthaBhat. 因为Somdej Phra PhutthaBhat 太长,这位僧人让大家称为: 帕必兰;崇迪必兰(Phra Pilan; Somdej Pilan).

Somdej Pilan 一生对佛法经典甚有研究,尤其对古经书更有一份深厚感情. 古时泰国佛寺视经书为佛、法、僧三宝,不会随便掉弃,但经书日积月累,数量愈来愈多,更招来虫蚁蛀咬时,换了是别的寺院会一把火烧掉. 但大师觉得将这些古经书烧掉太可惜了,最后他想出把烧掉经书的经灰来制作佛牌,拿这些经灰佛牌与信众结缘,这岂不是两全其美吗?经灰的泰语发音就是(必兰),屈拉康崇迪必兰佛牌最少也有佰年以上历史,是屈拉康寺亚赞多大师亲制的崇迪外,又一珍贵之佛宝.

帕必兰都是黑色(即使入塔或是出土,佛牌的质仍是黑色). 在开光时,Somdej Toh 也参加开光,这是除了崇迪外,Somdej Toh 参加瓦拉康唯一的开光法会,之后他就过世了. Somdej Pilan 也只做一期的佛牌,但是相传有很多模子和版本,如 sumb-pra-to mold(最有名,也是最名贵的版本), mokkala-saributh mold, prok-poh-yai mold, prok-poh-lek mold, krob-kaew-yai mold, krob-kaew-lek mold, pael-plearng-yai mold, pael-plearng-lek mold等。但是Somdej Pilan 大部份都入塔,所以都有附著泥土和大部份残破,而且保存状态都不佳,而一般全美的品相,则是代代相传,经历大战,都未经破损,弥足珍贵,数量很稀少.

Somdej Toh 可以制造五种经粉,然后再和合为一,成为超级经粉kritiyakorm,这也是Somdej Toh 崇迪成为佛牌之王的原因. 一般的高僧只能和合二到三种经粉;据说一般的高僧若不自量力,加持和合太多种的经粉,将会导致自己精神的错乱,也就是这种和合经粉的能力,与高僧本人的福德、禅定与慧力都有关,Somdej Toh 就可以用上五种经粉. 

Somdej Toh 在 BE 2375 年开始成为屈拉康住持. 很多人对此圣物有那么大的兴趣,原因有二:

1。Somdej Toh 佛牌粉的材料。Somdej Toh 的圣物包含了5大类的圣粉,包括:

(一) Phong Pattamung

(二) Phong Puttakhun

(三) Phong Tri Ni Singhe

(四) Phong Maharat

(五) Phong Itee Jay

2。入塔. 帕必兰之所以品相非常一般,就是因为绝大部分都是入塔牌. 每日,每月,每年的在瓦拉康这百年大庙受佛法加持. 

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