Luang Phor Supot
by Jun Wei
Luang Phor Supot is the current abbot of Wat Sri Song Tham, Nakhon Sawan Province. Luang Phor Supot was born on 25th January BE 2488. At the age of 20, Luang Phor Supot got ordained as a monk at Wat Prod Ket Chet Tha Ram in Samut Prakan Province on 20th February BE 2508. Luang Phor Supot studied mantras and meditation from many guru monks.
Luang Phor Supot loves to help people. As the amulets consecrated by him were meant to help people. Luang Phor Supot would often say ‘ I want the devotees of mine to have a better life’. If one were to see Luang Phor Supot for the first time, you would think that he is strict as he tends to speak loudly and direct. But in fact, it is quite the opposite as Luang Phor Supot is kind and funny. And when devotees asked Luang Phor Supot to bles or write Yant on his amulets, he would always be willing to do so for them.
Luang Phor Supot is also very confident in his amulets as he sets his heart in consecrating and blessing it. As he would mention that he wants his devotees to get help from his amulets. Moreover, Luang Phor Supot is considered one of the guru monks that is famous for his Tarkut in Thailand.
As most of his devotees experience protection by wearing amulets consecrated by Luang Phor Supot. In BE 2552, there was 1 devotee that got shot numerous times yet he did not pass away. Later on, they discovered that he was carrying a Takrut that was consecrated by Luang Phor Supot.
Luang Phor Supot Wat Sri Song Tham 寺廟位於那空沙旺府 . 現時為泰國的一位著名高僧,被稱為近代泰國法術之王,尊師擅長督造符管,自身法相等等.
Luang Phor Supot曾經使用草藥醫治無數信眾,包括很多中了降頭或中了各種奇異怪病的信眾都會尋求大師的幫助,Luang Phor Supot 的很多法門知識是從 Luang Phor Peruak Wat Bang Klan 中學習,Luang Phor Supot 曾經於公開表演了用手伸入滾油而絲毫無損的神通. Luang Phor Supot 同時是一位卓越的刺符大師,並且擁有很多弟子.
Luang Phor Supot曾經收到一位傑出的殊榮,20年之前,他在高棉的時候,曾經收到Somdej Phra Thep Ratana Racha Suda 的來信稱讚其技巧功藝. Luang Phor Supot 嚴守低調的風格,學習任何知識及法門,用來制做聖物之前, 都一定會事先測試其效果. 然後確定靈力足夠先會讓善信供請. Luang Phor Supot是一位比較直接的大師,說話不喜歡拐彎抹角挖掘. 很多人會覺得師父非常嚴肅,但大師對自己的弟子是非常慈愛. Luang Phor Supot是Samut Prakan 的本地人.
Luang Phor Supot 原有的名字是Supot Sripiboon. 父親叫Manit Sripiboon,母親叫Jamnien Jaripiboon. 其父親是鐵路工人,所以師父小時候常常跟父親一起工作,並在附近讀書.
中學畢業後,當時為佛曆 BE 2508 2月20日 , 師父作出改變一生的決定,正式出家為僧. Luang Phor Supot 天資聰敏,在短時間內學懂了有法門及佛理. 在跟主持道別後, Luang Phor Supot 去柬埔寨修行. 當師父出家第三年,學始成為苦行僧,常常接受各種考驗,用各種苦難磨練自己,例如 斷食,寒冷天氣下不穿衣服,暴曬時苦行到各地方.
回寺廟修行近10年. Luang Phor Supot開始想,覺得長遠下去這裡不合適自己. 這是因為Luang Phor Supot總是喜歡研究和測試各種法門. 他怕附近如果有村民會認為因而受到傷害 ,而最糟糕的情況,是有機會拖累到主持受到影響. 有一天,一個外來的信眾前來邀請Luang Phor Supot與建一座寺廟位於Bahn Tung Thamm。在佛曆 BE 2522,Luang Phor Supot開始與建寺廟,直到它的最終完成,並命名為“ Wat Sri Song Tham” . 信眾然後邀請Luang Phor Supot 成為這座寺廟的主持.
Luang Phor Supot的名聲開始由區被廣為流傳,因為大師所做的佛牌非常靈驗,尤其是Luang Phor Supot的符管. 曾經有很多不同的人拿著師父的佛牌測試力量,並將一致承認 Luang Phor Supot 的確修為非常高深,由於其事跡不斷. 因此,很多人來拜見Luang Phor Supot. 每天從各個地方都有不同外來的人希望成為Luang Phor Supot的弟子,並希望得到他的聖物佩戴.
曾經有信眾請了師父的聖物後,質疑其法力,於是用槍測試,結果發射後子彈竟然射不進佛牌,當這位信眾告訴其他朋友時,卻被質疑其真實性,更打賭一萬元泰幣,要求再試一次,而神蹟再一次發生,當這位信眾獲得一萬元後,立刻興奮地跑去拜見師父,當他見到Luang Phor Supat 的時候,一直喋喋不休說著發生的事情,更拿出三千元泰幣,說要作為師父的供養金,幫助平時生活開支 ,但這個時候Luang Phor Supot 面無表情,緩緩對他說 : 賭博所得的金錢,無論多與少,我們作為一位僧人,都不會接受的,如果你真心想供養我,必須要靠自己努力工作所賺的錢,我會收下.