Luang Phor Foo

Luang Phor Foo

by Jun Wei

Luang Phor Foo is a guru monk that is well-known in Chachoengsao Province. The locals in Chachoengsao Province would address Luang Phor Foo as “God of Bang Pakong”.

Luang Phor Foo was born on 3th December BE 2465 in Chachoengsao Province. At the age of 20, he was ordained as a monk. After his ordination, Luang Phor Foo set his heart on Buddhist studying until he reached the level of Nak Tham Tho (intermediate level) and Nak Tham Ek (advanced level). Then, in BE 2505 he was appointed as the abbot of Wat Bang Samak. As a matter of fact, Luang Phor Foo has learn magic from many guru monks such as Luang Phor Ding Wat Bang Wua, Luang Phor Parn Wat Bang Hia, Luang Phor Jom, Luang Phor Leua Wat Sow Cha Ngok, Luang Phor Kong Wat Sapparot, Luang Phor Rerm, Luang Phor Eee and many others. It is known that Luang Phor Foo devoted himself to Buddhism. Nowadays, Wat Bang Samak is well-known to the locals. Other than being the abbot of Wat Bang Samak,Luang Phor Foo was also appointed as a member of Buddhist examination committee and is a Buddhist subject teacher for novices and monks.

There is a news report on 19 April BE 2558 by a 65 year old elderly man who lived in Bangsamak sub-district, Chachoengsao Province that his nephew was having trouble with teenagers from another village. As a result,  the teenagers angrily shot his nephew twice yet his nephew was safe due to the reason that his nephew was wearing Luang Phor Foo’s Rian.

Luang Phor Foo 出生於 BE 2465年 的12月 3日,於 BE 2485 5月1日初次剃度,正式受戒為僧,剛出家就跟隨那時北柳府非常知名的 Luang Phor Ding Wat Bang Wua, Luang Phor Kong Sapparot 等大師學習,因此修得相當高深的功力. BE 2505年為Wat Bang Samak主持.

Luang Phor Foo是一位非常慈愛的大師,對信眾相當親切及關愛,受人敬仰,除了知名更是受到信眾信賴,所以經常都有非常多信眾,特地到佛寺拜見大師,請Luang Phor Foo 指點迷津,而大師對於參與法會加持開光,及製作佛牌方面,都可說是相當有經驗的,每次大師督造的佛寶聖物都很受到佛牌收藏家、及當地百姓的喜愛,許多外府佛寺,也都會邀請大師參與佛牌聖物的督造法會,一同加持,因為很多人都知道,凡受到大師加持祝福的佛寶,將會更加有力量. 

在當地,大師佛牌聖物護佑信眾的實蹟非常多,多數都是在護身避險、增加運勢及得到財富的方面,常有許多信眾因得到大師佛寶的相助,都會回到佛寺感謝大師,其中不乏達官貴人及富商,然而,德高望重的大師儘管已經威名遠播,對於信眾供養的金錢或是冠上的封號都毫不在意,沉默寡言的大師,仍專心致力在弘法及普渡眾生,對於自身修行非常嚴謹,儘管大師已經高齡,仍不會拒絕接見信眾及遠赴外地為弘法或為信眾加持,讓許多信眾都非常敬佩. 早年更經常去Luang Phor Sakorn,Luang Phor Sin 兩師兄弟的法會加持. 現在聲名大噪的Luang Phor Anam,就是他徒弟之一.

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