Personalised Good Luck Digital Wallpaper ( IPhone / IPad / Android )
暹羅天神殿 91 DESKER ROAD
🇹🇭泰国第一神算、Number 1 Fortune Reading Master 🇹🇭
金龍王、Archan Heaw Personalised Digital Handphone WallPaper Specially Designed for individual !
For Brothers and Sister who registered , you will Received ,
🌟Simple Fortune reading and element Boost for us !
🌟Digitalised Wallpaper ready to Apply anytime !
Detail Requirement :
# Full name
# Date of Birth
# Handphone Number
👍Paynow UEN: 202304108G
“Once transfer done , Do Send us Your Receipt screenshot and detail !”
Example :
Auspicious & Wealth Charm Wallpaper by Ajarn Haew for Khun *** *** ****
♦️ Wallpaper’s Elements ♦️
1. Yant Khot Dee (Auspicious Charm) by Ajarn Haew
2. Yant Khot Ruai (Wealth Charm) by Ajarn Haew
3. Pu Ya Nakaraja (Grandpa & Grandma Nakaraja)
4. Ajarn Haew’s signature
♦️Personal Elements ♦️
✅ Element of your time of birth is Wu Yang Earth (戊)
✅ Element of your date of birth is Ding Yin Fire (丁)
✅ Element of your month of birth is Yang Earth (戊)
✅ Element of your year of birth is Bing Yang Fire (丙)
Based on the horoscope, your element is Ding Yin Fire (丁)
Characteristics based on the horoscope (50%): friendly and like to help other people, outgoing, generous, like to give advice, kind-hearted, willing to sacrifice for other people, well mannered, careful, curious, observant
Outstanding characteristics: gentle, a great follower and supporter, considerate, won’t say anything that hurts other people’s feelings, energetic, a great planner, good at hiding how you feel, always research before doing something
Caution: be careful of shouldering too much of other people’s problem, not good at turning down people, taking too long to make a decision because you have a hard time believing in something; might cause you trouble or lose a chance, try to be moderately paranoid and your life will proceed smoothly
✅ Element that boosts your fortune is Jin Yin Metal (金)
✅ Chinese zodiacs that boost your fortune are Monkey and Chicken
✅ Wallpaper color that boosts your fortune is silver