Luang Phor Kham

Luang Phor Kham

by Jun Wei

Luang Phor Kham is a well-known monk in Maha Sarakham Province which is located in the Northeastern region of Thailand. On top of that, Luang Phor Kham is also a disciple of Luang Phor Chum. 

Back when Luang Phor Kham was young, he was already having interest in Dharma. By the age of 13, his mother entrusted him to the local temples as a novice. By BE 2491, at the age of 20, Luang Phor Kham was ordained as a monk. Luang Phor Luo at that point of time was his teacher.  In fact, Luang Phor Kham has been in the mountains and forests area for many years exploring the peace of mind and Dharma. 

Luang Phor Kham also had the opportunity to meet Luang Phor Yuan in the Northern part of Thailand whereby he would ask Luang Phor Yuan to teach him more about Dharma. 

By BE 2512, Luang Phor Khwa would send his followers to search for Luang Phor Kham and asked him to return back to Wat Bang Nong Ding. As the abbot was seriously ill at that time, and had to hand over the mantle and bowl of Buddhist scriptures to Luang Phor Kham.

When Luang Phor Kham became the abbot of the temple, he devoted himself to maintaining the teachings and guiding the Sangha, so that the temple can prosper to this day.

In fact, there are also amulets consecrated by Luang Phor Kham that have miracles experienced by wearers and are hard to explain. His devotees who wore the amulets consecrated by Luang Phor Kham all praised that business was prosperous and everything went smoothly after wearing the amulets. Hence the followers of Luang Phor Kham are growing more and more each day.

龙普康是泰国东北部-玛哈沙拉堪府的知名高僧,也是龙普铙的大弟子,是东北部知名佛学素养极为深厚的大师. 幼年时师父即对佛法感到兴趣,13岁时其母将其托于地方寺院中为沙弥. 在BE 2491,大师年20成为僧侣,由 龙普洛先任其导师, 因而师父同时也是 龙普洛之弟子. 大师多年隐修于山林间,探寻心灵平静与佛法之道数年,也曾在泰北与一代圣僧 龙普元大师会面,向龙普元请益佛法. 在佛曆2512年,龙普铙遣信众往寻龙普康,并请其返回瓦邦农锭寺,由于当时师祖已病重,便将佛经衣钵交予师父,交棒师父来担任 瓦邦农锭寺之住持. 师父任住持期间,尽心维繫教法指导僧团,使佛寺昌盛直至今日. 师父所製圣物一样为数不多,所製佛牌因信众珍藏甚难觅得.配戴师父所製佛牌之弟子,皆同声称讚配戴后生意兴旺、万事顺遂,灾厄远离,常保平安.



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