Ajarn Tim
by Jun Wei
Ajarn Tim was born on 21st August BE 2455 in Pattani Province. In BE 2476, he was ordained at Wat Napradu and his preceptor during the ordination was Phra Kru Phibunsommanawat. On 15th July BE 2484, Ajarn Tim became the abbot in the midst of World War 2. He was a compassionate monk during those times of perils and he was much loved by the people.
In BE 2495, Ajarn Tim undertook the task of reconstructing Wat Changhai and there was a shortage of funds. Meanwhile, there was a wealthy man named Anan Kananuraj who came forward to offer sponsors for the much needed temple funds for temple reconstruction. It's a coincidence that Ajarn Tim received such a sponsorship from this wealthy benefactor.
Anan Kananuraj had been suffering back pain illness. One night, he dreamt of an elderly monk with a crooked walking stick standing in front of Wat Changhai. The elderly monk illustrated to him how he had turned sea water into fresh water. It was a dream that seemed so real. Finally, the elderly monk asked him to kneel down and this monk gave blessing to him by suppressing his forehead with some mantra chanting. The elderly monk told Anan that he will soon have an important assignment and Anan gladfully accepted it. The next morning, Anan found his dream very strange and he also discovered that his back pain was completely cured. While still in disbelief, he went to Wat Changhai to find out what was his assignment that was derived from the earlier dream that had cured his illness.
True enough when Anan met with Ajarn Tim, he found out that the temple was short of funds and volunteers. Immediately without any hesitation, Anan volunteered and donated funds for the temple reconstruction works. At the same night, Ajarn Tim went into deep meditation and Luang Phor Tuad revealed his appearance and instructions to Ajarn Tim. The following day, Ajarn Tim sketched the description of Luang Phor Tuad to Anan. The exact identical sketch of the elderly monk horrified Anah and so the faith and belief in the limitless power of Luang Phor Tuad became very strong in the mind of everyone.
Not long after that, Ajarn Tim began the design of Wat Changhai's votive tablets with all the volunteers for the temple reconstruction. The naming of this batch of votive tablets was in a dilemma as nobody has a clue about this elderly monk. The elderly monk appeared to be over 100 years old and the word "Tuad" carries the salutation of great grandfather in Thai. Hence, everyone decided to name the 1st sacred batch of "Praneuwahn" votive tablets consisting of holy powders and plants as Luang Phor Tuad. On 18th April BE 2497, the incantation of the first batch by inviting LP Tuad was conducted at Wat Chang Hai. During this auspicious ceremony, high ranking monks such as Ajarn Nong Wat Sai Kao, Luang Po Song Wat Phra Koh and Luang Pu Chin Wat Muang Yala were invited to confer their blessings.
It is clear now we can associate Luang Phor Tuad with Rajamuni Samiramo, the same legendary monk who lived during the Ayutthaya period. As such, this is the miraculous ability of Luang Phor Tuad votive tablets to provide protection to countless worshippers starting from Wat Chang Hai. Sadly, Ajarn Tim passed away on 30th November BE 2512.
Ajarn Tim 是督造龍婆托佛牌的大師. Ajarn Tim 的原名是Tim Prompradu. 生於佛歷2455年8月21日的Baan Na Pradu. 師父生於佛歷2455年8月21日,父母的名字叫做Inthong和Num Prompradu,一共有6個小孩,Ajarn Tim 是家中的老二. 由於家中貧困, 師父在很小的時候就被父親送到Wat Na Pradu當一個小沙彌,並學習佛法,並受到瓦南帕度寺廟住持古巴踏拉空深深的影響. 到18歲的時候,Ajarn Tim 正式在寺廟裡成為一個初級的僧侶.
成為初級僧侶之後,大師為了幫助家裡,短暫的離開了寺廟回到家幫助父母耕種,以及做一些其它的事情. 就這樣,直到兩年後, Ajarn Tim 20歲的時候才再次回到瓦南帕度寺廟為僧,並在不久後佛歷2476年正式剃度出家. 佛歷2484年,應古巴踏拉空扣威大師的要求Ajarn Tim 前往Wat Chang Hai修行,但是大師卻沒有依照住持的指示前往,而是到處游走修行並與各地的僧侶討論佛學,直到師父自覺游學差不多之後,才前往瓦滄海寺續行修習佛法.
佛歷2495年,師父打算建造一個既提供宗教服務,又可以讓普通人與僧侶之間可以講道的寺廟,並且由幾位高級僧侶組成一個初步的構架.不過光有人還不行,還必須建設寺廟,然而因為資金的問題寺廟的建設進程不得不中途停止. 為了加快寺廟建設的進展,師父想到制作一批佛牌來籌集善款。由於瓦滄海寺廟的龍普托非常的出名,因此想到制作一批龍普托大師的自身法相牌.當Ajarn Tim 把他的想法告訴其他的僧侶後,得到大家的一致贊同,於是與村民們一起收集做佛牌的材料. 當材料收集完畢後,師父就開始混合108種的配料,其中最為特殊的就是莖泥的材料也是導致此款牌專有獨特顏色的材料,在佛歷2497年3月19日凌晨12點把配料放入模具中,當時預計制作數量有8400面 但是由於時間限制到最後制作出來的僅有6400面,直到佛歷2497年 4月15日進行開光加持法會,不過佛牌拿出來結緣儀式卻是在4月18日下午的時候,而且這批牌一開始只發放了阿贊添師父的近身弟子,還有提供給那些對寺廟有貢獻的功德主,從那天起 師父便開始制作龍普托,由於督制出來的龍普托法相屢現神跡,因此師父督造的龍婆托自身牌從此成為佛牌界的傳奇.從此,Ajarn Tim 便開始制作,而其龍婆托聖物也神跡不斷. 但Ajarn Tim 於 BE 2510年病倒,其後病情不斷惡化,至2512年11月30日凌晨宣告圓寂.
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